Fighting Islamist Dawah, Propaganda, Influence Operations and Infiltration: The tip of the spear of Islamic conquest in the West


In accordance with Islam’s call to convert all the world to Islam by whatever means possible, Islamist leadership has called upon Western mosques to hold so-called “open house” events.  The Islamic Circle of North America, (a Muslim Brotherhood front group according to documents recovered in the Holy Land Foundation Terrorism Financing trial) has called on all US mosques to hold “open house” and other Dawah (Islamic missionary) events.

The events advertise either a complete free dinner or free refreshments that, unfortunately, also require a strong dose of frequently deceptive Islamist propaganda, as well as pestering for contact information which can then be used to pressure and intimidate. Among those most susceptible to the insidious propaganda are the naïve and/or disaffected and the lonely and/or desperate.

Among the top targets of Islamist missionaries are young, often lonely, women and prison inmates. Muslim missionary’s in the US now claim that they are getting four times as many female converts as male converts.  It is estimated by some that as many as 25% of prison inmates are becoming Muslim while in prison.  Famous examples are Mike Tyson and the Aurora Theatre mass murderer.  While it has been remarked upon that Islam is the perfect religion for the sociopath and therefore to be rather expected, we ought to be very concerned about Islamic missionary activity in this realm as well.  It should be remembered that the upstart Nazi party turned to the prisons to recruit the Brownshirts who took control of the streets of Germany. )

One thing that anyone attending an Islamic “open house,” will not find is an honest discussion of Islam and the almost invariably negative result of its presence in any society.  In its advice to the hosts of Islamic open houses the Muslim Brotherhood suggests that Muslim missionaries never discuss “the revolutionary (read subversive)” aspects of Islam and attempt to get non-Muslims to give the Shehada (the one sentence oath that Muslims recognize as the acceptance of Islam) quickly before discussing all of the aspects of the religion and ideology.

The one most important thing that Islam cannot tolerate is any criticism of Islam and at Islamic open houses this is even more strongly the case. Still, I and a few others have attempted to attend the “one-sided” open houses as sorts of a “truth squad.”  Those who try quickly find out that there is nothing open about Islamic so-called “open houses.”  However, opinions and free speech rights are not crimes in America, despite the fact that Islamists view any criticism of Islam blasphemy and punishable by the death penalty.  Rights that are not regularly employed are often lost.  While it is still (at least to some extent) legal to criticize Islam, that is a right we must vigorously exercise.

On December 19, 2015 I was arrested for “trespassing” and “disturbing the peace,” at a so-called “open house” which was being held by the Denver Islamic Society (DIS), a militant mosque at 2124 S. Birch Street in Denver.  In the wake of Paris and San Bernadino this militant mosque decided to hold open houses to convince the gullible and the disaffected that they were harmless.  I had found out about the open house from a “puff piece” news report on a local news station.

What I actually did was take a leaflet I had written about Islam which contradicts the lies they were telling far too many gullible non-Muslims. I wanted to talk to people about the fact that this mosque was founded by a Saudi crony of the Saudi royal family who is now in jail for keeping a sex slave and Anwar al-Awlaki, the imam of some of the 9/11 hijackers, and who was the most wanted terrorist in the world until he was killed in a drone strike, was an imam at this mosque.

I received a very hostile reception.  Although I realized that militant Islamists cannot tolerate the slightest dissent to Islam, I hoped that since they were trying to convince the community of their harmlessness, things might not get out of hand.  This was not the case. I was quickly surrounded by probably 50 Islamists who started yelling at me. Quickly thereafter I was grabbed and shoved by three people but when I almost clocked one who had grabbed me with my elbow they all let go.  I left their parking lot exactly at 5 p.m. which is when the open house was scheduled to end.  One of the Muslims started following me and as I walked down Evans Ave., a cop who was handling a traffic call “detained” me.  He had not witnessed either trespassing or disturbing the peace.  Probably at least 20 people were recording the confrontation on their cellphones. In fact the cops used that as the excuse to arrest me, even though the cops admitted they had never seen it but claimed that the Islamists had assured them that it existed and could be produced. In fact trial in the case has been put off at least four times and none of the cellphone video has ever been produced. The acquiescence of the DPD to the mosque demonstrated that the area around the mosque is already in the process of becoming a “no-go zone.”

I was informed by the judge that I could face up to two years in the county jail on these charges. The city attorney first offered a deal for one year of unsupervised probation and 40 hours of community service. After I turned that down they offered no community service or probation just a six month deferred guilty plea to the trespassing charge. When I turned that down I think they realized that I refuse to plead guilty in this case regardless of the risk.

I derived no pleasure in attending the Denver Islamic Society open house. It was unpleasant and of no benefit to me. I realized that I would very likely subject myself to great hostility and even danger. Still I felt that despite the risk, for the sake of my fellow citizens and future generations, I had to present my case. Currently trial is scheduled for November 21 in Courtroom 3F of the Lindsey Flanagan courtroom building in Denver although it has already been delayed four times. The case # is 15GS017764.

What I will plead guilty (and if the judge allows me I will do in summation) to is:

“That I look at the Islamic ideology and the purveyors of that ideology as something akin to a union of the Mafia and the Nazis, I do plead guilty.

To a belief that, unopposed, this ideology threatens our way of life, our freedom, the safety of our women and our very survival, as it has done in so many nations, I also plead guilty.

To a well researched opinion that the Denver Islamic Society presents an especially pernicious threat to a city, a state and a nation I dearly love, I also plead guilty.

To the intention of attending a few minutes of the DIS open house for the purpose of countering Islamist propaganda with both a leaflet and discussion with whoever would listen, I also plead guilty.

To the belief that the city, state and national governments has been negligent and ignorant in allowing an aggressive, subversive ideology a foothold in our nation, I also plead guilty.

To the belief that if I were to fail to act in this instance I would not have done all that I could have on behalf of future generations, I also plead guilty.”

Trial had been delayed a number of times but it looked as if it would now take place on November 21 at 8 a.m. in Room 3F of the Lindsey Flanagan courthouse in Denver. On October 19th my lawyer withdrew from the case and I made the decision to represent myself.   Although I had been involved in civil court matters , I had never represented myself in a criminal matter but felt that I had a strong enough case and strategy .  I also felt that my current attorney was refusing to work with me on what I thought the most aggressive strategy in addressing the case ought to be.

Although scheduled for 8 a.m. it was at least 10:30 when the judge addressed the five motions I filed on October 19th when I took over my defense.  I had filed motions for a change of venue from Denver,  Choice of Evils and Incidental Actor or Victim affirmative defenses,  a  Constitutional challenge to the Denver Disturbing the Peace ordinance, and for enhanced discovery, all of which were rejected by the Judge.   The trial itself did not start until about 11 a.m. with the Voir Dire of the jury panel.  The City Attorney was a lot more experienced than I about picking a jury but I felt I had no major problems with the jury the was sworn in.

When I checked in the City Attorney had informed me that he had subpoenaed the three Islamic leaders that had given written witness statements on December 19th.  All three would testify.

The first testimony was from the two cops involved in my arrest. In my cross examination the arresting cop stated that I had told him that I had been assaulted, and when I asked if he had discussed that with the other cop he told me that he had but was very fuzzy about how or whether they investigated it.  In the Motions hearing the other cop had said that I had not claimed to have been assaulted and repeated that on the stand at trial.  I thought the contradictions between their testimonies impeached any of their testimony, which was based entirely on hearsay from people at the DIS.  I was arrested hundreds of feet away from the DIS.  Neither one of them remembered the DIS claims to possess cellphone video of the incident. After I had been arrested on December 19 I had been driven over to the mosque where the arresting officer and I contacted Officer Zwickl, the author of the Arrest report.  When I had told him my allegations about being assaulted at the DIS he told me that no assault had occurred because the DIS said that they had cellphone video of the incident.  When I had asked if he had seen the video he admitted that he had not but said that the DIS had told him that it would be provided if necessary.  As the video would have shown the assault on me it was never produced.

The DIS president Mohammed Malki testified next. Apparently he also works in Governor Hickenlooper’s office, which to me at least speaks of the level of infiltration and influence that a mosque with significant criminal and terror connections currently had within the Colorado state government as well as the City of Denver.  He said that he had first invited me inside the mosque and then ordered me to leave.  He admitted that there were a good number of people in the mosque parking lot.  He said that I had been yelling at the top of my lungs but did not know anything about cellphone video.  During Malki’s testimony I asked a lot of questions relating to the Islamic ideology and the most famous DIS alumni, Anwar al-Awlaki and Homaidan al Turki.  The City Attorney objected to almost everything.  I had believed it was a method for bringing up a “choice of evils” argument.   The Judge took me aside and told me she would not allow me to continue in that vein, but I was hopeful  that I had made the correct impression on the jury to that point.

Khalid Mahmoud testified next.  He was one of the callers to 911 and followed me around the DIS and even after I left until he saw me being arrested. But interestingly he admitted that several people had taken cellphone video and I was hopeful that the jury would find that created real doubt about the DIS version of events.

Shemsi, the Northglenn imam, testified next and said that he had told me to go (even though he had no legal right to do so) but didn’t think I had heard. He also said that he didn’t know anything about cellphone video and that instead of grabbing my right arm (after which I was able to get loose and almost clocked him with an elbow) he just “put his hand on my shoulder.”

When the jury came back after a relatively short (between 20 and 30 minutes) time I was initially elated when I heard that I had been found not guilty on the trespassing charge. The elation did not last long, however, because the jury convicted me of disturbing the peace.  The City Attorney then informed the judge that Shemsi wanted to speak at my sentencing hearing, which spoke to the fact that the Islamic leadership hated what I had been doing and was therefore proof that what I had done had had a significant effect.  The judge also announced that the protective order that the DIS had taken out against me would be extended for another year.  It seemed likely that the reason Shemsi wanted to speak at my sentencing hearing was to get the protective order extended to the Northglenn mosque and perhaps even all of the Islamic institutions in the area.  I have been told that such an order has been issued to a pastor in Wichita, Kansas. The sentencing hearing was scheduled for November 30th.

Initially I was quite depressed by the trial results, as I had thought there was a good chance of being found not guilty on both counts. Later I decided that since I was found not guilty on the trespassing count at least and there was still a chance of overturning the disturbance count on appeal that it had not been a total disaster.

Sentencing is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30.  I will file motions to set aside the verdict , give the court notice of appeal and move for a stay of execution of any sentence.

God Bless,

Richard Roy Blake